Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bible Blueprints

Blueprints provide a pattern for buildings. If the blueprint is carefully followed, the building becomes exactly what the architect designed.

Paul told Timothy, “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard.” 2 Timothy 1:13. To be pleasing to God, Timothy was to follow the pattern (blueprint) given by God. Paul warned Timothy that there would be a time when people “will not endure sound doctrine.” (2 Timothy 4:3). The “pattern of sound words” is found in the “sound doctrine” of Jesus Christ.

Many today don’t want to be concerned with doctrine, thinking that doctrine is unimportant compared to preaching loving God. Yet Paul told Timothy to “hold fast the pattern of sound words.” Think about Jesus’ statement in John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Isn’t it obvious that by paying careful attention to the doctrine of Christ we are then able to express our love to Jesus and His Father by keeping their commandments?

If everyone followed God’s blueprint, those seeking God could be one. The attitude that doctrine isn’t important leads to all the division we see today. The idea that “it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere” is foreign to the teaching of Christ and of Paul, His apostle.

Jesus is building His building (Ephesians 2:19-22). We are workers in that process (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). We need to concern ourselves with following the blueprints given to us by the architect in His word.

The Bereans concerned themselves with the blueprint. When Paul preached to them they consulted the blueprint to be certain that he was building according to the plan. See Acts 17:11.