Saturday, July 25, 2009

FaceBook and Christians

My son laughed at the idea that his mom and dad were on FaceBook. Why, I'm not sure. It isn't like we're backwards from a technology standpoint. I actually feel fairly certain that I'm above average when it comes to the use of technology, both in business and in my personal life.

FaceBook has been an interesting experience. I've enjoyed the way I'm being connected to old friends long forgotten. I have been able to catch up with people last seen over 30 years ago. That has proved fun though it also points out just how many years have gone by. Most of them have raised their children and are even grandparents. I still remember them as they were at 19 and 20 years old.

FaceBook has also been revealing in some other ways. Mostly, this occurs in the status comments where people post how they feel or tell about what they are doing. Some are fun to read. Some are encouraging. Some are innocent. But others are troubling.

Whining. Some Christians, who are supposed to be full of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-24) such as love, joy, and peace, post Facebook status messages complaining about life and its troubles. Some seem to never be able to post positive things. "John is having a bad day." "Karen's friends don't want to spend any time with her." Some complain out loud about nearly everything. Where is the joy of being a Christian? When did we lose the concept of thinking on good things? (Philippians 4:8) These complainers will likely not join us in heaven because they likely blame God for their troubles - not on Facebook mind you, but in their inner hearts.

Disappointing. It has always been discouraging to me to hear about Christians who involve themselves in activities that are questionable, if not sinful, for Christians to be involved in. For example, several have posted on Facebook about movies they've seen, talking about how good the movie was, yet it is rated R. Simply from the previews it is obvious Christians have no business seeing the movie. Others will post a status and use language that is inappropriate for Christians to utter or write. Others post pictures of themselves immodestly dressed so not only am I discouraged by knowing they dress immodestly, I see them dressed immodestly.

Poor Selection Of Friends. Paul warns us about the company we keep. In 1 Corinthians 15:33 he said, "Do not be deceived; Evil company corrupts good habits." Looking at the Facebook pages of some Christians I know, it is obvious that they use poor judgement in their selection of friends. The comments their friends make on their page include inappropriate slang, outright cursing, references to drinking and drugs, etc. Paul indicated that we cannot go out of the world in our effort to avoid sin but he also tells us we must select our company carefully, lest we be corrupted by them. It is obvious that some Christians may have been "deceived" and need to rethink who their Facebook "friends" are and delete them...from Facebook and from their personal lives!

Time Wasting. Sometimes we talk about how hard it is to take the gospel to others. We comment about how our area is a "hard area" and "people are just not interested in hearing the gospel." Sometimes we talk about "how busy we are." It is apparent that many Christians on Facebook are consumed with Facebook and have no time for finding those to study with because they are spending far too much time on Facebook. They have multiple farms, they send hugs, kisses, and presents of all types to all their friends, they take quiz after quiz and score higher and higher on several Facebook games. Christians are to be "redeeming the time" in reference to those outside the body of Christ. (Colossians 4:5) Could Satan be using Facebook to make you an ineffective Christian while you sit for hours at your computer involved in all Facebook has to offer?

No doubt there are good things about Facebook. But for all its good, it must be kept in perspective. It has revealed some things to me that I wish I didn't know about some Christians. I hope they'll repent. The world has a very strong grip on too many Christians these days and I am afraid they have been overcome while feeling they are "okay" with the Lord. The Bible warns again and again, "Be not deceived."

July 27, 2009 Followup: A blog reader suggested this audio link. I think it is worthwhile.