Friday, June 12, 2009

Torchlights To The Cherokees

One place that is near and dear to my heart is called Audubon Acres, located in Chattanooga, TN at the end of Gunbarrel Road in East Brainerd. Many of you may think that I like this sanctuary because of my bird watching hobby. Actually, this place is special for another reason -- its history.

Audubon Acres is the old home place of a man named Robert Sparks Walker. He was born and raised in the log cabin that still stands on the property. His family moved into this cabin after purchasing the land it sat on. The cabin was abandoned by the Cherokee Indians when they were removed from Tennessee during what is now known as the Trail of Tears. Recently I was on the property and stepped into the visitors center. Their bookstore had a book by written by Mr. Walker called Torchlights to the Cherokees. The book chronicles the history of the Brainerd Mission, whose purpose it was to teach the Cherokees Christianity.

As a side note for you Chattanooga area readers, the areas known as Brainerd and East Brainerd take their names from this mission. There is a cemetery located to the right of Eastgate toward the creek, the only portion of the Mission site that is left.

Chapter two records some interesting information that I felt was applicable to our day. Mr. Walker discusses the founding of the Chickamauga Mission (later renamed Brainerd to avoid confusion with the town of Chickamauga) and its purpose to bring Christianity to the natives. Until the mission had been formed there was very little opportunity to influence the Cherokees with the gospel. The following paragraph from the book explains why.

"The natural criterion by which one judges the efficacy of any religion is its visible effects on the character and behavior of its adherents. Many of the Indian's most brutal, selfish and thievish white neighbors claimed to be Christians. It was natural that the Cherokees should judge the value of this new religion by the character of the people who were steadily encroaching upon their property and many of whom had introduced whiskey into their tribes. To them, Christianity was something that they might do well to avoid."

Then he tells of an Indian Chief who would not permit any literature to be distributed among his tribe until he had first read it and approved of it. Mr. Walker continues, "After listening earnestly to a portion of St. Matthew, the old chief dryly, but seriously remarked, "Well, it seems to be a good book, but it is strange that the white people are not better for having had it so long!"

What about our day? What sort of influence do we have on the world due to the influence the Word has on us? How do people view the religion of Christ based upon what they see in my life? Has God's word had a profound impact on me so that my character speaks positively about God and His word?

Fewer and fewer Christians look different from the world. We dress like the world, talk like the world, and there are even those among us who compromise with the world and even attempt to justify the behavior of the world.

For example, women professing to be Christians wear clothing that reveals their cleavage and showing from under their narrow tops are their bra straps. I hear Christians talking about seeing movies that are rated R. The language and certain scenes in those movies are not content that Christians should either see or approve of. Some young men get up and lead in worship yet in their seats it appears they would rather be anywhere than at worship. The language of Christians is getting worse and worse with more use of euphemisms, speech not becoming a child of God, and even text message abbreviations that take the Lord's name in vain.

In His sermon on the mountain Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:13-16).

Just as the Cherokees were not influenced by the Christians among them who did not exhibit the character of Christ, so we cannot influence our generation if we are flavorless salt or if we hide our light in shame, afraid to be recognized as different. Christians who conform to the world and cannot be distinguished from it bring no glory to God.

We need to take a long look at our lives and be certain that we are truly what Jesus wants us to be. It is highly unlikely that we will be what Jesus wants us to be and still be like the people of this world. It will probably be the case that "they think it strange that" you are different and start "speaking evil of you." (1 Peter 4:4). Examine your clothes, your language, what you watch on TV or movies, your interest in the worship of the Lord, your work habits, your attitude, your charity toward others, your willingness to take the gospel to others, how much you think about heaven, your study habits in regard to the word, etc.

Let's make it our aim that if our history is written 100 years from now that it will not be said of us that we failed to influence our peers because our religion had no "visible effects on [our] character and behavior" as Mr. Walker wrote.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

'Foul' Speech

From the way the woman was yelling, one might have guessed that the man being yelled at had just insulted her child. The woman accused the man of being ignorant, blind, a poor excuse for a human being, and a myriad of other accusations too numerous to list. The tirade continued, off and on, for about an hour, and when the man would not apologize for what had happened, the woman stormed out of the building muttering her disgust. What had the man done to deserve such treatment? Well, among other things, he had failed to call a few fouls, he had called a few fouls that “should not have been called,” and had “been the reason the [insert sports team here] had lost the basketball game.” Who was the woman? Unfortunately, she was a Christian whose child was on the losing team.

It is alarming how that in some Christian’s minds sporting events have become acceptable venues for all kinds of ungodly behavior. Is it true that we are to “put away anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from our mouth” in every area of our life except in the sporting arena (Col. 3:8)? Does taking our seat in the bleachers relieve us of our responsibility to, “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification…so that it will give grace to those who hear” (Eph. 4:29)? Surely we are to maintain our “tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” even when we attend sporting events (1 Tim. 2:2).

Not only do some Christians forget their godly behavior when they attend the games, they also excuse themselves from righteousness whenever the topic of sports comes up. How can two Christians be “diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” when they refuse to speak to each other for a week (or longer) after the annual in-state rivalry football game (Eph. 4:3)? If two Christians cannot sit together and discuss something as eternally irrelevant as a sports rivalry without becoming irritated or angry at each other, have they really learned what it means to be “slow to anger” (James 1:19)? Are they not allowing a mere game to divide two people who should be one in the Lord (John 17:21)?

We can hear the objections now. “Sports officials aren’t bothered by the comments of the fans – they expect to hear those things.” Obviously officials do expect to hear insults during games, but does the fact that one is prepared to hear insulting speech make it acceptable for a Christian to use it? “I may look worked up, but I know deep down it’s just a game.” Christians need to know the difference between enthusiasm and a lack of self-control. It is one thing to cheer loudly, and even to express disapproval of a call in a respectful way, but it is something completely different for Christians to say degrading things and leave the impression to all standing around that they cannot control their tempers. “I was just kidding; don’t think I really meant what I said or did.” It is one thing to give a good-natured ribbing to a rival fan, and it is another to push them to the point of anger. It is one thing for Christians to fake disgust when someone teases them about their team; it is another to allow something so trivial to actually arouse their anger or even to destroy their relationships with others.

A teenager yelling from the bleachers at the high school basketball game had no idea how embarrassed he was about to be. After very angrily yelling some insults at the referee, and making his disgust known to everyone around him, he looked two rows behind him, and to his horror, saw a fellow Christian listening to every word he said. (That man would go on to become an elder in a few years later.) Seeing the man sobered the young man’s attitude quickly, and he spent the rest of the game cheering on his team in a much more civil manner. You see, the reason we have come down so hard on Christians behaving this way is because the author of this article knows first hand how easy it is to forget godliness when it comes to sports – I was that embarrassed teenager. Christian living requires that we make no exceptions when it comes to godly behavior. We cannot be a Christian “most of the time.” It is a full time job, even at sporting events, to “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Mt. 5:48)