Thursday, August 10, 2006

Christians Bring Down America

So says a recent study of people’s view in several countries, including the United States. You can read the article here on FoxNews.

According to the article, Christians who believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible have blackened the eye of this country, causing us to have the next to lowest score when it comes to belief in the theories of evolution. Only Turkey scored lower and that was attributed to their large population of “Islamic fundamentalists.” Do you see the apparent attempt? Equating Bible believing Christians with Islamic fundamentalists. The next thing you know, they will be calling us terrorists.

I thought it interesting that the article states that the Roman Catholic Church and “mainstream Protestants” do not hold a literal view of the Scriptures. The co-author of the study suggests that “professional clergy and theologians” need to speak up in order to educate the poor, Bible believing common folks.

Perhaps the Pope would like to weigh in on whether or not he believes the heavens and earth were created in 7 days like the Scriptures teach. I do wonder what he believes on that subject. Of course, it doesn’t matter what the Pope believes on the subject, nor is it of any concern what any other man believes.

The Berean people in Acts 17:11 did not consult with their professional rabbis when Paul preached to them about the resurrection of Jesus. Rather, they “searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” I recommend their approach.

When Jesus was asked about marriage and divorce, He appealed to Scriptures. Listen to what He said.

Matthew 19:4-6And He answered and said to them, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

Mark 10:6-9But from the beginning of the creation, God 'made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

What? Jesus believes in creation? That is what He said. He stated that God “made them male and female” and in Mark’s account He called it “creation.” Surely His audience was just a bunch of unlearned fools, meaning that He must speak to them on their lower level of understanding, but didn’t really believe it Himself. Actually, those who posed the question were the Pharisees, some of the most learned men of the day.

Jesus could have corrected the Genesis account. In fact, this was a great opportunity for Jesus to set the record straight and fix all the problems with the Jewish Scriptures. Instead, Jesus gives full support to those Scriptures, telling the Pharisees that all they had to do was read it for themselves. “Have you not read…” He said.

You see, Christians (meaning those who follow Jesus Christ) are disciples (meaning learners of Jesus). Jesus believed in the Genesis account. That is a pretty good reason for me to believe in creation, instead of the ever-changing theories of the so-called “learned” among us. As for those “professional clergy and theologians” who do not believe the Genesis account… “Have you not read…”


Paulsthorn said...

I am a Creationist (btw, they are already calling us Christians "terrorists" but we have filled them with absolute horror long before the Islamist Extremists ever came along, so I will not buy their terminology which is a joke really) and not just because Jesus believed in Creation (which btw is good enough) but because I have thought a lot about what we all have around us and how it couldn't have possibly have happened by accident or by chance or by willing itself into existence! See my blog ...

... There is simply too much evidence to settle on the idea that's it all some kind of big mistake. To make a rather crude observation, why aren't my eyes where my butt is? Why isn't my mouth in the center of my chest? What I mean is, men were made a certain way, that is in the image of God, and every part of the human body is exactly where it's supposed to be! The majority of people in this world are born normal, two arms, two legs, etc. And they call this mere chance or luck? They dishonor God, they dishonor his design, they dishonor themselves.

Paulsthorn said...

Sorry, the whole link (in various parts that will have to be copied and pasted) is ...